Jan 06 2023

How to Use an Aeropress Coffee Maker

The Aeropress is a popular manual coffee brewer that produces delicious, smooth coffee with a rich flavor. It's easy to use and clean, making it a favorite among coffee aficionados. Here's a quick guide on how to use an Aeropress:

1. Gather your materials: Aeropress coffee brewer, filter (paper or metal), ground coffee beans, hot water, mug or carafe.

2. Grind your coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency using a burr grinder. You'll need about 17-18 grams of ground coffee for a standard Aeropress brew.

3. Heat your water to a temperature of 195-205°F.

4. Assemble the Aeropress by adding the ground coffee to the chamber, attaching the filter cap, and wetting the filter with hot water.

5. Pour hot water into the chamber, using about 1.5 times the amount of water as the amount of coffee.

6. Stir the mixture and press the plunger down slowly, using steady, even pressure. Once the plunger is fully pressed down, your coffee is ready to drink!

7. Remove the Aeropress from the mug and enjoy.

Here's a few recommendations to help get you started...




Fulfilled by our friends at Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters

The AeroPress is  durable and lightweight enough for travel, camping, or going to the office. Includes: 350 filters, chamber, plunger, filter cap, filter holder, funnel, stirrer and scoop.


It Was All A Dream
It Was All A Dream

It Was All A Dream

Suncoast Roast
Suncoast Roast

Suncoast Roast

Whole bean coffee.Available in our online store. Also available in Publix, Sprouts, and Whole foods throughout Florida..
Whole bean coffee.Available in our online store. Also available in Publix, Sprouts, and Whole foods throughout Florida..

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